Monthly Archives: April 2013

Feature Overview

Computer Division performs single click backups for active directory/system state
No need for application specific backup tools

Microsoft Exchange Backup and Recovery

Computer Division Backup and Recovery Software for Microsoft Exchange delivers rapid granular recovery of information stores, specific user mailboxes, email messages, shared folders from point-in-time Exchange backups. Our Exchange Server Backup Software gives you the ability to be ready and worry-free when disaster strikes, whatever


Easy and Instant Restores Instant restore by booting up as a virtual machine (P2V) Computer Division Disk image backups are in VHD format by default and therefore can be quickly booted up as a virtual machine in a Hyper-V server. The VHD based backups can also be

Virtualization Protection

Complete Protection for Your Virtual Environment Computer Division can backup entire virtual machine centrally without having to install the agent in each of the virtual machines. We currently supports backing up of VMware and Hyper-V VMs. Backing up VMware ESX Servers A single installation of Computer Division backup
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